Westside Powerlifting Seminar

Lindsay and I have spoken at length about the importance of power and strength in any training program. Regardless of the goals of the individual athlete, strength will always play some role in a sound program. We train to be the best and to attain the best opinions and knowledge out there. Because of this we are bringing the best to Utah. We will be hosting a Powerlifting seminar taught by Shane Sweatt and Laura Phelps Sweatt of Westside Barbell. If you have not heard of Louie Simmons and Westside, you don't know training. Westside is the pinnacle of the powerlifting world, and Shane and Laura will be sharing their methods at this course.

Over the many years that Louie has been involved in Powerlifting, he has gained a vast amount of knowledge on how to produce strength. Through experience, the percent training method, conjugate training method, dynamic training method, maximum effort method, lifting techniques, raising work capacity, rehabilitation and restoration, and reactive and contrast method have become his area of expertise. It is this knowledge and expertise that has lead to the production of 25 World and National champions, 27 lifters who have totaled over 2000 lbs and a world record in the 400m dash by Butch Reynolds. Also, Louie's methods of training have resulted in thirty-three 550lb benchers, eighteen 600lb benchers, and five 700lb benchers. Also to his credit are twenty-eight 800lb plus squatters, ten 900lb plus squatters, and three 1000lb plus squatters.

Laura Phelps Sweatt is a professional powerlifter having broken world records 17 times in her three year career. She currently has the highest total of all-time by formula, marking her the strongest female powerlifter in history. Most recently, she totaled 1770lbs with a 775lb squat, 495lb bench press, and 500lb deadlift.

You may be wondering why the application of methods used by world record powerlifters applies to you, and as I said, strength will always be the cornerstone of a sound training program.  Many have lost sight of this, and we want to make sure we not only train like the best, but offer the best at our gym.

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