Monday, October 31, 2011

10/31 Power Training; ME Upper

1A) Bench Press
Bar x100
*add 150lb chains
*add shirt, wraps
315x3 2B
405x2 2B
495x1 1B ≈ 645lbs
2A) Flat DB Press 105x10, 130x9, 150x7
3A) CG Bench Press 2x10
3B) Chest Supported Row 2x10

*Chest felt pretty solid today but still a little bit of pain/soreness there. I didn't dare put the pedal to metal so I stopped while I was ahead. I really wanted to go over 700lbs to a 3-board after working sets, but that will have to wait. Good day, but being cautiously optimistic.

Ryan Scott - Steer Wrestler

Friday, October 28, 2011

Football Trainer Course

We got him! The legend himself, John Welbourn will be coming to Ogden, Utah for a certification at Crossfit The Club May 26, 2012. John was the creator of CrossFit Football in 2008. He was drafted with the 97th pick in the 1999 NFL Draft. He went on to be a starter for the Philadelphia Eagles from 1999-2003, appearing in 3 NFC Championship games, and for the Kansas City Chiefs from 2004-2007. In 2008, he played with the New England Patriots until an injury ended his season early.

This is the first Football Training Course that Utah has ever seen and we expect it to be huge! As many know, I have known John for some time now and was able to meet him face to face in Southern California earlier this month. We had a good time and had some awesome conversations relating to training. He was kind enough to contact Lindsay and I afterwards to see if we would like to host a certification. This is a very rare opportunity to meet John and to learn the methods that he utilizes to train some of the most elite athletes in the world. 


Thursday, October 27, 2011

10/27 Power Training; DE Upper

1A) DE Bench Press 8x3 @ 225 + Light Short Bands
2A) Weighted Dips 12, 10, 10
3A) Close Grip Incline Bench Press 3x12 @ 225
3B) Upright Row (EZ Bar) 3x12 @ 175

*The bar was moving faster today than it has in months. I am really working hard on keeping my lats tight which keeps my upper chest solid and also driving me heels into the floor and thrusting my belly up. Sometimes injuries are what we need to continue perfecting form and improving ourselves. Will get in the shirt again on Monday and hope to continue progress.

Good Luck Today Boys!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

10/25 Power Training; ME Lower

1A) Cambered Bar Squat
Bar x10
170 x5
260 x5
350 x3
**add 150lb chains, briefs
440 x3
530 x3
620 x3
≈ 770lbs @ top
1B) TKE (Heavy Band) 4x30
2A) Pins Pulls (1-2") vs SSB Spider Bar
240 x5
355 x5
355 x5

*All we had time for today. The new exercise took a little extra time. Was my first day back trying to move heavier weight on the squat. Certainly did not feel comfortable. Hoping for better things next week. Will get to heavy shrugs, sled drags and core work tomorrow.

Napoli brings down the thunder one more time for Rangers

Monday, October 24, 2011

10/24 Power Training; ME Upper

1A) Bench Press
Bar x100
*add reverse Average Bands
*remove rev bands, add shirt, wraps
455x2 1.5B
505x2 1.5B
2A) Seated DB Press 105x12, 115x10
3A) Elbows Out Ext 2x12
3B) Chest Supported Row 2x12

*Pec is coming along, I still don't feel like I can red line it off the chest but i'm getting there. Adding the shirt added a completely different twist today. The pressure is immense and right on the point of soreness. Have to decide on IPL Worlds in Vegas by next Monday.


Friday, October 21, 2011

10/21 Power Training; DE Lower

1A) DE Box Squat 10x2@376 + Heavy Bands
2A) DE Deadlift (Ex Wide) 15x1 @ 387 + 150lb Chains
*All I had time for today. Started off sluggish but we rallied. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

10/20 Power Training; DE Upper

1A) DE Bench Press 8x3 @ 185lbs + Light Short Bands
2A) Decline Bench Press 3x10 @ 275
3A) T-Bar Rows 3x10 to 7 plates
3B) Elbows Out Tri Ext 3x10 to 70lbs

*Finally a day where I felt I am making some progress. The pec was still sore but I could handle the weight light years easier than last week. A long warmup and good stretching is always key. Also, the decline bench press was a rude awakening today. I've not done this exercise in probably 3 years but will be easing them into my training in the future. Sad I know..

Jake Ashworth - Layton, UT. , PRCA Wilderness Circuit

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

10/18 Power Training; ME Lower

1A) Front Squat-Low Box 4x6 to 315lbs 
2A) Rack Pull (2") vs. Chains to 735lbs, 785(F) at knees 
3A) Belt Squat 3x15 to ≈ 350lbs 
3B) Band Pulldown 2x20

Monday, October 17, 2011

10/17 Power Training; ME Upper

1A) Floor Press vs. Monster Mini Bands up to 315x3, 405x1
2A) Flat DB Press 85x12 105x10 130x10
3A) Underhand Bent Over Row 3x10
3B) DB Tri Ext 3x15

*I have narrowed the pain in my upper chest to something in my neck. The pec held up today but the pain in my neck is pretty bad. Bad thing is, the heavier the weight, the more it hurts. I am also experiencing some strength loss. Doctors appt. tomorrow.  Going to have to man up. This is ridiculous. 

Jo Jordan-EFS

Saturday, October 15, 2011

SPF SoCal Open and..Update! ..i'm back.

So i've been away from the web for some time now.  The last several weeks have been crazy.  As many know, I competed in Southern California on October 2nd.  The weeks leading up to that meet were humbling to say the least.  I spent a lot of time learning my squat suit as well as my bench shirt.  I was physically and emotionally exhausted at the end of my training cycle.  I had a small scare in the final week of my training where I could not physically hit depth in the squat with the suit on and straps up.  A friend of mine, Brandon Lilly, introduced to me by John Welbourn, spent some time with me on the phone reviewing videos and everything ended up great at the meet.  I ended up squatting 735, benching 575, and deadlifting 635.  I had goals to hit 790 in the squat and bench over 600 but that wasn't in the cards.  I was red lighted on my second squat attempt at 710 for depth so I scaled my third attempt back.  My 610 bench attempt went well until the final 3 inches of the lockout when something popped in my pec.  It was distracting and my butt came off the bench for a red light. My total was good enough for Best Lifter at the meet and an Elite total.

I am now rested and just finished my first week of training after the meet...i'm already out of shape!  I'm back in the pursuit of a 2000 lb total and hope to achieve that soon.  My pec is not cooperating like I had hoped but I am trying to be patient and give it time.  I am going to try to compete at the USPA World Championships in Las Vegas on December 3rd with my good friends Ed Kinsey and Jason Gibson.  Time will tell how my pec is going to respond jumping back into the rigorous training again so soon. It would be very special to me if I could make that meet with such knowledgeable, strong and good people.

We are back to training clients at the Strength Warehouse and I have a goal to post pictures and updates like I used to. I have been corresponding with my good friend Lindsay Hassell at Crossfit The Club in the Ogden Athletic club.  We have decided to merge and I will be taking my equipment up to his place around the first of the year, maybe even later.  And no, I am not becoming a crossfitter!  I am going to be training power and strength athletes and whoever wants to get stronger.  I will also help Lindsay with fitness/crossfit clients when he needs me.

It's good to be back in the swing of things and thank you to all whom are out there listening!  Thanks for taking the time for the long read..

Best wishes, and thanks for the support.